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IEditSession Methods

The IEditSession type exposes the following members.

Public methodActivateReserveAndBindToOrder
Closes reserve and creates order on reserved table. Closed reserve is binded to the created order. Number of guests in the created order equals to number of guests in the reserve.
Public methodAddCardLoyaltyDiscounts
Adds discounts grouped by order items.
Public methodAddDeliveryAutoAddition
Adds some items according to the product auto-addition settings.
Public methodAddDiscount
Adds simple discount of known type to existing order. User must have rights to work with discounts.
Public methodAddDiscountByCardNumber
Add discount by card number.
Public methodAddExternalFiscalizedPaymentItem(Decimal, IPaymentItemAdditionalData, IPaymentType, IOrderStub, IAdditionalCurrency, IOrderGuestItemStub)
Add new externally fiscalized payment item to order.
Public methodAddExternalFiscalizedPaymentItem(Guid, Decimal, IPaymentItemAdditionalData, IPaymentType, IOrderStub, IAdditionalCurrency, IOrderGuestItemStub)
Add new external fiscalized payment item to order.
Public methodAddExternalPaymentItem(Decimal, Boolean, IPaymentItemAdditionalData, OrganizationDetailsInfo, IPaymentType, IOrderStub, IAdditionalCurrency, IOrderGuestItemStub)
Add new external payment item to order.
Public methodAddExternalPaymentItem(Guid, Decimal, Boolean, IPaymentItemAdditionalData, OrganizationDetailsInfo, IPaymentType, IOrderStub, IAdditionalCurrency, IOrderGuestItemStub)
Add new external payment item to order.
Public methodAddFlexibleSumDiscount
Adds simple discount of known type to existing order. User must have rights to work with discounts.
Public methodAddFlexibleSumDiscountByCardNumber
Add discount by card number.
Public methodAddOrderCombo
Create order combo item. Order must contain new combo items.
Public methodAddOrderCompoundItem(IProduct, IOrderStub, IOrderGuestItemStub, IProductSize, OrderItemCourse)
Adds compound item to the guest in existing order. User must have permission to edit orders.
Public methodAddOrderCompoundItem(Guid, IProduct, IOrderStub, IOrderGuestItemStub, IProductSize, OrderItemCourse)
Adds compound item to the guest in existing order. User must have permission to edit orders.
Public methodAddOrderExternalData
Adds external data to the order. Cannot update public external data for closed order. Use DeleteOrderExternalData(String, IOrderStub) to delete the data when it's no longer needed.
Public methodAddOrderGuest(String, IOrderStub)
Adds new guest to existing order. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodAddOrderGuest(Guid, String, IOrderStub)
Adds new guest with the given ID to existing order. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodAddOrderModifierItem(Int32, IProduct, IProductGroup, IOrderStub, IOrderCompoundItemComponentStub, NullableInt32, NullableDecimal)
Adds order item modifier to the compound item component in existing order. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodAddOrderModifierItem(Int32, IProduct, IProductGroup, IOrderStub, IOrderCompoundItemStub, NullableInt32, NullableDecimal)
Adds order item modifier to the compound item in existing order. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodAddOrderModifierItem(Int32, IProduct, IProductGroup, IOrderStub, IOrderProductItemStub, NullableInt32, NullableDecimal)
Adds order item modifier to the order item in existing order. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodAddOrderModifierItem(Guid, Int32, IProduct, IProductGroup, IOrderStub, IOrderCompoundItemComponentStub, NullableInt32, NullableDecimal)
Adds order item modifier to the compound item component in existing order. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodAddOrderModifierItem(Guid, Int32, IProduct, IProductGroup, IOrderStub, IOrderCompoundItemStub, NullableInt32, NullableDecimal)
Adds order item modifier to the compound item in existing order. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodAddOrderModifierItem(Guid, Int32, IProduct, IProductGroup, IOrderStub, IOrderProductItemStub, NullableInt32, NullableDecimal)
Adds order item modifier to the order item in existing order. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodAddOrderProductItem(Decimal, IProduct, IOrderStub, IOrderGuestItemStub, IProductSize, OrderItemCourse, NullableDecimal)
Adds assortment position to the guest in existing order. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodAddOrderProductItem(Guid, Decimal, IProduct, IOrderStub, IOrderGuestItemStub, IProductSize, OrderItemCourse, NullableDecimal)
Adds assortment position to the guest in existing order. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodAddOrderServiceItem
Adds time pay service item to the guest in existing order. User must have permission to edit orders.
Public methodAddOrUpdateModifierForPrintedItem
Adds order item modifier for product which is already printed. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodAddPaymentItem(Decimal, IPaymentItemAdditionalData, IPaymentType, IOrderStub, IAdditionalCurrency, IOrderGuestItemStub)
Add new payment item to order.
Public methodAddPaymentItem(Guid, Decimal, IPaymentItemAdditionalData, IPaymentType, IOrderStub, IAdditionalCurrency, IOrderGuestItemStub)
Add new payment item to order.
Public methodAddPreliminaryPaymentItem(Decimal, IPaymentItemAdditionalData, IPaymentType, IDeliveryOrderStub, IOrderGuestItemStub)
Add new preliminary payment item to order.
Public methodAddPreliminaryPaymentItem(Guid, Decimal, IPaymentItemAdditionalData, IPaymentType, IDeliveryOrderStub, IOrderGuestItemStub)
Add new preliminary payment item to order.
Public methodAddPrimaryComponent(IProduct, IOrderStub, IOrderCompoundItemStub, NullableDecimal)
Adds a primary component to the compound item.
Public methodAddPrimaryComponent(Guid, IProduct, IOrderStub, IOrderCompoundItemStub, NullableDecimal)
Adds a primary component to the compound item.
Public methodAddSecondaryComponent(IProduct, IOrderStub, IOrderCompoundItemStub, NullableDecimal)
Adds a secondary component to the compound item.
Public methodAddSecondaryComponent(Guid, IProduct, IOrderStub, IOrderCompoundItemStub, NullableDecimal)
Adds a secondary component to the compound item.
Public methodAttachToJournalEvent
Sets default attributes of order for journal event.
Public methodBindReserveToOrder
Converts exising reserve or banquet without order to banquet with order.
Public methodChangeClientAddresses
Changes client addresses.
Public methodChangeClientBirthDate
Changes client's birth date.
Public methodChangeClientBlacklistInfo
Changes client blacklist info.
Public methodChangeClientCardNumber
Changes client card number.
Public methodChangeClientComment
Changes client comment.
Public methodChangeClientConsentDates
Changes client's dates of consent.
Public methodChangeClientEmails
Changes client emails list.
Public methodChangeClientGender
Change client's gender.
Public methodChangeClientIikoBizId
Changes client's account in
Public methodChangeClientLastOrderDate
Changes client's last order date.
Public methodChangeClientLinkedCounteragent
Changes client linked counter agent.
Public methodChangeClientMainAddressIndex
Changes client main address index.
Public methodChangeClientMarketingSource
Changes client marketing source.
Public methodChangeClientName
Changes client name.
Public methodChangeClientNick
Changes client nickname.
Public methodChangeClientOrganizationDetailsInfo
Changes organization details information of client.
Public methodChangeClientPersonalDataConsent
Changes whether client consented processing their personal data.
Public methodChangeClientPersonalDataProcessingDates
Changes dates of the time interval which allows client's legal personal data processing without thier consent.
Public methodChangeClientPhones
Changes client phones list.
Public methodChangeClientReceivesLoyaltySystemNotifications
Changes whether client receives loyalty system notification messages.
Public methodChangeClientReceivesOrderStatusNotifications
Changes whether client receives order status notification messages.
Public methodChangeClientReceivesPromotionalNotifications
Changes whether client receives promotional notification messages.
Public methodChangeClientSurname
Changes client surname.
Public methodChangeComboAmount
Change combo amount.
Public methodChangeComboPrice
Change combo price.
Public methodChangeComboSize
Change combo size.
Public methodChangeCookingPriority
Changes custom cooking priority and top priority flag.
Public methodChangeDeliveryActualDeliverTime
Change time when the order was actually delivered.
Public methodChangeDeliveryAddress
Changes address of delivery
Public methodChangeDeliveryClientName
Change name of delivery client.
Public methodChangeDeliveryComment
Change the order comment.
Public methodChangeDeliveryConfirmTime
Changes delivery confirmation state and time.
Public methodChangeDeliveryCourier
Assign/Change the order courier. Can use this action only before the order is to be delivered.
Public methodChangeDeliveryCustomApiData
Change the delivery custom data from api.
Public methodChangeDeliveryDuration
Sets duration of delivery processing.
Public methodChangeDeliveryEmail
Change the order e-mail.
Public methodChangeDeliveryExpectedDeliverTime
Change time when client wants the order to be delivered.
Public methodChangeDeliveryExpectedDuration
Sets calculated delivery duration without overrided value on terminal.
Public methodChangeDeliveryExternalCourierService
Changes external courier service for delivery.
Public methodChangeDeliveryFixedRestrictions
Fixes delivery restrictions check result values, so that they could not be corrected in iikoFront from now on. Or unfixes them for iikoFront to reevaluate them later on.
Public methodChangeDeliveryLastVerifiedRestrictionsHash
Sets calculated delivery restirictions hash.
Public methodChangeDeliveryLocation
Changes delivery address location.
Public methodChangeDeliveryMarketingSource
Assign/change order marketing source.
Public methodChangeDeliveryMoveIds
Sets identifiers of:
the new delivery created to transfer current one to a new terminal.
the group of a new delivery created to transfer current one to a new terminal.
the old delivery, from which the current one was created after transferring to a new terminal.
the group of an old delivery, from which the current one was created after transferring to a new terminal.
Public methodChangeDeliveryOperator
Assign/change the order operator.
Public methodChangeDeliveryOrderPredictedCookingCompleteTime
Change predicted time when the order cooking should be completed. Can change property only for Unconfirmed, New or Waiting delivery.
Public methodChangeDeliveryPhone
Changes the order phone.
Public methodChangeDeliveryPredictedDeliveryTime
Change predicted time when the order should be delivered. Can change property only for Unconfirmed, New or Waiting delivery.
Public methodChangeDeliveryProblemComment
Change the order problem comment.
Public methodChangeDeliveryProblemStatus
Change the order problem status.
Public methodChangeDeliverySplitBetweenPersons
Changes the order property if it should be splitted between persons.
Public methodChangeDeliveryZone
Sets matching the address calculated delivery zone name.
Public methodChangeEstimatedOrderGuestsCount
Changes estimated order guests count. Use this method to set estimated guests count when guests collection doesn't reflect actual state of affairs.
Public methodChangeExternalPaymentItemCustomData
Changes custom data of existing external payment item.
Public methodChangeOrderAppliedIikoCard5ManualConditions
Bind or unbind iikoCard5 manual conditions for order.
Public methodChangeOrderComment
Changes order comment.
Public methodChangeOrderCookingItemAmount
Changes the amount of the assortment position in existing order. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodChangeOrderCookingItemCourse
Changes the course of the order item.
Public methodChangeOrderCookingItemSize
Changes the product size of the order item.
Public methodChangeOrderExternalNumber
Sets order it's corresponding external number from an external system.
Public methodChangeOrderIikoCard5Coupon
Bind or unbind order iikoCard5 coupon, used in iikoCard5 system.
Public methodChangeOrderItemComment
Changes product order item's comment.
Public methodChangeOrderItemMarkingCode
Changes the marking code of a product within an order item. Skip scanning of marking code option will be reset. Use SkipScanningOrderItemMarkingCode(IOrderStub, IOrderProductItemStub) to set this option.
Public methodChangeOrderItemsCookingPlace
Changes cooking place for order cooking items.
Public methodChangeOrderItemWaiter
Changes product order item's waiter.
Public methodChangeOrderModifierItemAmount(Int32, IOrderStub, IOrderCompoundItemComponentStub, IOrderModifierItemStub, NullableInt32)
Changes the amount of the compound component modifier. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodChangeOrderModifierItemAmount(Int32, IOrderStub, IOrderCompoundItemStub, IOrderModifierItemStub, NullableInt32)
Changes the amount of the compound item common modifier. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodChangeOrderModifierItemAmount(Int32, IOrderStub, IOrderProductItemStub, IOrderModifierItemStub, NullableInt32)
Changes the amount of the product item modifier. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodChangeOrderOriginName
Sets order origin — name of the source this order was received from. Specifying origin allows to analyse efficiency of external order sources such as different web-sites, mobile applications and so on. Origin name can be set only once.
Public methodChangeOrderPricingTime
Change order pricing time, which determines the price of products. By default time taken from items print time.
Public methodChangeOrderTables
Changes tables of the order.
Public methodChangeOrderWaiter
Changes order's waiter.
Public methodChangePaymentItemCustomData
Changes custom data of existing payment item.
Public methodChangePaymentItemSum
Changes sum of existing payment item.
Public methodChangePreliminaryPaymentItemCustomData
Changes custom data of existing preliminary payment item.
Public methodChangePreliminaryPaymentItemSum
Changes sum of existing preliminary payment item.
Public methodChangePriceCategory
Changes price category of the order.
Public methodChangeReserveComment
Changes reserve comment. Use empty string to clear comment.
Public methodChangeReserveDuration
Changes estimated reserve duration (amount of time betwen visit's start and end). Default reserve duration is 2 hours, banquet duration is 3 hours.
Public methodChangeReserveEstimatedStartTime
Changes estimated reserve start time.
Public methodChangeReserveGuestsCount
Changes estimated guests count for reserve. Default value is 2.
Public methodChangeReserveReminder
Changes reserve reminder flag.
Public methodChangeReserveTables
Changes reserving tables.
Public methodChangeSelectiveDiscount(IReadOnlyListValueTupleGuid, Decimal, IOrderStub, IDiscountType)
Change discount item selective application settings. For each item Id, the discount amount is set separately.
Public methodChangeSelectiveDiscount(IOrderStub, IDiscountType, IReadOnlyListIOrderProductItemStub, IReadOnlyListIOrderModifierItemStub, IReadOnlyListIOrderCompoundItemComponentStub)
Change discount item selective application settings. Set both products and modifiers to null if you want the discount item to be applied to the whole order (including future order items), otherwise provide order item products and modifiers for selective discount item application.
Public methodChangeStreetName
Changes street's name.
Public methodConvertToTableServiceOrder
Converts FastFood order to TableService order.
Public methodCreateBanquet(DateTime, String, IClientStub, IOrderStub, Guid)
Creates reservation for planned event in future. Order's table will be marked as reserved to prevent collision with other events at the same time.
Public methodCreateBanquet(DateTime, String, IClientStub, IReadOnlyListITable, Guid)
Creates reservation for planned event in future. Table will be marked as reserved to prevent collision with other events at the same time.
Public methodCreateClient
Creates new client. The client must have a card number or at least one phone number.
Public methodCreateClientWithOrganizationDetails
Creates new client. The client must have orgatizations details info.
Public methodCreateDeliveryOrder(NullableInt32, DateTime, String, AddressDto, NullableDateTime, IOrderType, IClientStub, IUser, NullableTimeSpan, String, Boolean, Boolean, String)
Creates new delivery order. User must have rights to edit delivery orders. Specify address for courier-service; leave it null for self-service.
Public methodCreateDeliveryOrder(Guid, Guid, NullableInt32, DateTime, String, AddressDto, NullableDateTime, IOrderType, IClientStub, IUser, NullableTimeSpan, String, Boolean, Boolean, String)
Creates new delivery order. User must have rights to edit delivery orders. Specify address for courier-service; leave it null for self-service.
Public methodCreateJournalEvent
Creates new journal event.
Public methodCreateOrder
Creates new order on specified table. User must have rights to create orders.
Public methodCreateReserve
Creates reservation for planned visit in future. Table will be marked as reserved to prevent collision with other guests at the same time.
Public methodCreateStreet(String)
Creates new street.
Public methodCreateStreet(Guid, String, ICity)
Creates new street.
Public methodDecreasePrintedComboAmount
Decrease combo with printed items amount. All redundant copies of items will be deleted according to writeoffOptions.
Public methodDeleteDiscount
Removes discount of known type from existing order. User must have rights to work with discounts.
Public methodDeleteExternalFiscalizedPaymentItem
Delete existing externally fiscalized payment item from order.
Public methodDeleteExternalPaymentItem
Delete existing external payment item from order.
Public methodDeleteOrderCombo
Delete order combo item.
Public methodDeleteOrderExternalData
Deletes external data from the order.
Public methodDeleteOrderGuest
Deletes guest without any products from order.
Public methodDeleteOrderItem
Deletes order item from order that represents the assortment position. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodDeleteOrderItemComment
Deletes product order item's comment.
Public methodDeleteOrderModifierItem(IOrderStub, IOrderCompoundItemComponentStub, IOrderModifierItem)
Deletes order item modifier from order item that represents the assortment position. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodDeleteOrderModifierItem(IOrderStub, IOrderCompoundItemStub, IOrderModifierItem)
Deletes order item modifier from order item that represents the assortment position. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodDeleteOrderModifierItem(IOrderStub, IOrderProductItemStub, IOrderModifierItem)
Deletes order item modifier from order item that represents the assortment position. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodDeleteOrRestoreStreet
Deletes street.
Public methodDeletePaymentItem
Delete existing payment item from order.
Public methodDeletePreliminaryPaymentItem
Delete existing preliminary payment item from order.
Public methodDeletePrintedOrderItemComment
Deletes product order item's comment.
Public methodDeletePrintedOrderItems
Deletes order items that is already printed. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodDeletePrintedOrderModifierItem
Deletes order item modifier that is already printed. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodGroupOrderCookingItems
Combines the order item products into mix group so that they will be cooked together. Only consecutive products of the same guest can be combined into mix group.
Public methodMarkOrderAsAdditional
Marks order as additional.
Public methodMarkOrderAsTab
Marks the order as tab and assigns tab name.
Public methodMoveOrderItemToAnotherGuest
Moves product item between guests of the same order.
Public methodMoveOrderItemToAnotherOrder
Moves product item between orders.
Public methodOverrideVatInclusionForOrder
Overrides default VAT inclusion settings for items of the specified order.
Public methodRecoverCorruptedReserve
Recovers banquet which is bound to non-existent order. Normally such cases should never occur, but due to entities storage implementation details sometimes banquet may loose its order. Note that new empty order will be created from scratch.
Public methodRenameOrderGuest
Renames order's guest.
Public methodReopenReserve
Reopens previously closed or canceled reserve.
Public methodResetIsPrintedDeliveryBillActual
Resets whether latest printed bill is actual to 'false' value. Use when you want delivery bill to be print again according to settings. For example, if you changed courier and wish to have actual name on the bill, call this action and delivery will automatically printed according to settings. On the contrary, if you don't want bill to be printed again (for example, courier is written to the bill later by hands), you have no need to call this action.
Public methodResetOderLastChangeTimeByWaiter
Reset order last change time by waiter time to now. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodResetPriceCategory
Resets price category of the order.
Public methodServeOrderCookingItem
Mark order item product as served.
Public methodSetChequeAdditionalInfo
Sets cheque information to the order.
Public methodSetCompoundItemComponentCustomName
Sets the custom name of the compound component. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodSetDeliveryCloseTime
Changes delivery closing status and time.
Public methodSetDeliveryCustomerAuthorizedInIikoBiz
Changes whether the client is already authorized in WARNING: use with caution! Illegal value can lead to unsuccessful operations. Do NOT set this property to 'true' if you are not sure that all authorization properties are correct and customer is registered in; that will cause payment failure.
Public methodSetDeliveryDelivered
Changes delivery status from OnWay to Delivere and sets current time as time when the order was actually delivered.
Public methodSetDeliveryUndelivered
Returns the delivery from the Delivered status back to the OnWay status.
Public methodSetJournalEventAttribute
Sets attribute for journal event.
Public methodSetOpenPrice
Changes order item open price.
Public methodSetOrderHasFixedIikoCardDiscounts
Sets that the order has fixed iikoCard discounts.
Public methodSetOrderModifierItemCustomName(String, IOrderStub, IOrderCompoundItemComponentStub, IOrderModifierItemStub)
Sets the custom name of the compound component modifier. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodSetOrderModifierItemCustomName(String, IOrderStub, IOrderCompoundItemStub, IOrderModifierItemStub)
Sets the custom name of the compound item common modifier. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodSetOrderModifierItemCustomName(String, IOrderStub, IOrderProductItemStub, IOrderModifierItemStub)
Sets the custom name of the product item modifier. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodSetOrderType
Sets order type for order.
Public methodSetProductItemCustomName
Sets the custom name of the product item. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodSetServiceItemCustomName
Sets the custom name of the service item. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodSetServiceItemPeriodCustomName
Sets the custom name of the service period. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodSkipScanningOrderItemMarkingCode
Skips scanning marking code of a product within an order item. Marking code of order item will be reset to null. Use ChangeOrderItemMarkingCode(String, IOrderStub, IOrderProductItemStub) to reset this option.
Public methodSplitOrderCookingItem
Cut off specified amount from product to new one.
Public methodStartBanquet
Transits banquet to the started status.
Public methodUngroupOrderCookingItems
Separates the order item products from mix group so that they will be cooked independently.
Public methodUnserveOrderCookingItem
Mark order item product as unserved.
Public methodUpdateOrderComboItems
Update existing order combo items. Order must contain new combo items.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodChangeReserveTable
Changes reserving table.
(Defined by EditSessionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCreateBanquet
Creates reservation for planned event in future. Table will be marked as reserved to prevent collision with other events at the same time.
(Defined by EditSessionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCreateOrder
Creates new order on specified table. User must have rights to create orders.
(Defined by EditSessionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCreateReserve
Creates reservation for planned visit in future. Table will be marked as reserved to prevent collision with other guests at the same time.
(Defined by EditSessionExtensions.)
See Also