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IEditSessionAddPaymentItem Method (Guid, Decimal, IPaymentItemAdditionalData, IPaymentType, IOrderStub, IAdditionalCurrency, IOrderGuestItemStub)

Add new payment item to order.

Namespace:  Resto.Front.Api.Editors
Assembly:  Resto.Front.Api.V9 (in Resto.Front.Api.V9.dll)
INewPaymentItemStub AddPaymentItem(
	Guid id,
	decimal paymentSum,
	IPaymentItemAdditionalData additionalData,
	IPaymentType paymentType,
	IOrderStub order,
	IAdditionalCurrency currency = null,
	IOrderGuestItemStub guest = null


Type: SystemGuid
Unique identifier of the new payment item. MUST be unique not only for the order, but for the whole system. Therefore it must be taken from some synchronization operation or generated with Guid.NewGuid().
Type: SystemDecimal
Sum of payment item that will be added.
Type: Resto.Front.Api.Data.PaymentsIPaymentItemAdditionalData
Instance of a payment specific type carrying properties, which will be used to initialize a payment item, or null if payment type doesn't require additional data for payment item initialization.
Type: Resto.Front.Api.Data.PaymentsIPaymentType
Type of payment item that will be added.
Type: Resto.Front.Api.Editors.StubsIOrderStub
Order to which payment item will be added.
currency (Optional)
Type: Resto.Front.Api.Data.PaymentsIAdditionalCurrency
Auxiliary currency data, or null if the payment uses only main currency.
guest (Optional)
Type: Resto.Front.Api.Editors.StubsIOrderGuestItemStub
Guest to which payment item will be added, or null if payment item is not associated with any guest.

Return Value

Type: INewPaymentItemStub
See Also