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IOrderModifierItem Interface

Namespace:  Resto.Front.Api.Data.Orders
Assembly:  Resto.Front.Api.V7 (in Resto.Front.Api.V7.dll)
public interface IOrderModifierItem : ISerializable, 
	IEntity, IOrderModifierItemStub

The IOrderModifierItem type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAmount
Public propertyAmountIndependentOfParentAmount
Whether amount of the modifier is absolute or relative to parent amount. When modifier amount depends on parent, it means multiplication — specified amount of modifier should be cooked per each parent unit, otherwise it means addition — specified amount of modifier should be cooked for whole parent.
Public propertyCost
Public propertyDeleted
Public propertyDeletionMethod
Public propertyId (Inherited from IEntity.)
Public propertyIsPricePredefined
Whether the price of the item is predefined. Predefined price can be provided using predefinedPrice parameter of the AddOrderModifierItem method.
Public propertyIsSeparate
Whether modifier should be cooked separately from its product. In general this property exposes modifier semantics: while some modifiers specify how to cook their product, another modifiers are additional dish parts or even separate dishes. First type completely depends on product and has the same cooking property values, second type is separate and has own kitchen, status etc.
Public propertyKitchen
Modifier cooking place.
Public propertyPayableAmount
Payable part of the total Amount, the remaining amount is free of charge.
Public propertyPrice
Public propertyProduct
Public propertyProductCustomName
Optional marker used to specify custom name of the modifier.
Public propertyProductGroup
Public propertyResultSum
Total sum to be paid, sum with discounts and both included and excluded vat.
Public propertyTaxPercent
Tax percent or null for not taxed order items.
Public methodGetObjectData
Populates a SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object.
(Inherited from ISerializable.)
See Also