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Resto.Front.Api Namespace

Public classOperationArgumentExtensions
Public classPluginContext
Provides access to api services.
Public structureVoidValue
Represents dummy value for IObservableT where notification itself is the only purpose to have such sequence and notification argument doesn't have any meaning. It's something like Void-method in the Rx-world.
Public interfaceIFrontPlugin
Common interface for every front plugin. Implement this interface to make front treat your class as plugin.
Public interfaceILicensingService
Service provides access to plugin licensing.
Public interfaceILog
Provides a set of methods to log messages.
Public interfaceINotificationT
Defines a provider for push-based notification.
Public interfaceINotificationT, TResult
Defines a provider for push-based notification.
Public interfaceINotificationService
Public interfaceIOperationService
Provides a set of operations.
Public interfaceIPaymentDataContext
Helper to work with plugin saved data in iiko storage.
Public interfaceIPaymentProcessor
Common interface for payment front plugin.
Public interfaceIPluginIntegrationService
Service provides integration features.
Public interfaceIReceiptPrinter
Instance to perform print actions. Should be used only when it comes like function parameter.