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IOperationService Interface

Provides a set of operations.

Namespace:  Resto.Front.Api
Assembly:  Resto.Front.Api.V9 (in Resto.Front.Api.V9.dll)
public interface IOperationService

The IOperationService type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddButtonToClosedOrderScreen
Adds a button to the closed order screen.
Public methodAddButtonToDeliveriesScreen
Adds a button to the deliveries screen.
Public methodAddButtonToDeliveryOrderEditScreen
Adds a button to the delivery order edit screen.
Public methodAddButtonToDocumentsScreen
Adds a button to plugins menu on the documents screen.
Public methodAddButtonToOrderEditScreen
Adds a button to plugins menu on the order edit screen.
Public methodAddButtonToPastOrderScreen
Adds a button for past orders to the closed order screen.
Public methodAddButtonToPaymentScreen
Adds a button to the payment screen.
Public methodAddButtonToPluginsMenu
Adds a button to plugins menu on the additional operations screen.
Public methodAddButtonToProductsReturnScreen
Adds a button to “Other” menu on the products return screen. Button is shown only when returning products of a past order (Additional Operations -> Past Receipts -> Find past order by number -> Order Return -> Other).
Public methodAddButtonToWindowsServiceMenu
Adds a button to plugins menu in the iiko Agent (Windows Service).
Public methodAddClientToOrder
Returns true if client is bound to the order.
Public methodAddDonation
Adds new donation to order.
Public methodAddEgaisMarkEventForCocktailsVolume
Adds egais event to process volume into cocktails.
Public methodAddErrorMessage
Shows non-modal error message in the left top corner of the screen.
Public methodAddEventToProcessProductDatasIntoClosed
Adds egais sale event and items for products volumes into closed.
Public methodAddIikoCardReferrerToOrder
Bounds to the order iikoCard5 referrer by id.
Public methodAddNotificationMessage
Shows non-modal notification message in the left top corner of the screen.
Public methodAddOrUpdateCustomData
Adds or updates custom data.
Public methodAddOrUpdateKitchenOrderExternalData
Adds or updates kitchen order external data. Use DeleteKitchenOrderExternalData(IKitchenOrder, String) to delete the data when it's no longer needed.
Public methodAddOrUpdateKitchenOrderItemExternalData
Adds or updates kitchen order item external data. Use DeleteKitchenOrderItemExternalData(IKitchenOrder, Guid, String) to delete the data when it's no longer needed.
Public methodAddProductsToStopList
Add specific products and their sizes to stop list.
Public methodAddProductToStopList
Add specific product and it's size to stop list.
Public methodAddStatusBarInfo
Shows text in iikoFront status bar.
Public methodAddWarningMessage
Shows non-modal warning message in the left top corner of the screen.
Public methodAuthenticateByPin
Returns credentials bound to user with specified pin.
Public methodAuthenticateByUser
Returns credentials bound to specified user without using pin. Before calling this method plugin must acquires slot from special module with specified client identifier.
Public methodAutosearchSettings
Start autosearch settings for cash register.
Public methodBillOrder
Changes the order to Bill status and returns text of bill cheque.
Public methodCalculateDeliveryTerminalWorkload
Returns terminal workload.
Public methodCallExternalOperation(Int32, String, String, Byte, ITerminal)
Calls an operation which is implemented in another plugin.
Public methodCallExternalOperationTRequest, TResponse(Int32, String, String, TRequest, ITerminal, SerializationBinder, ISurrogateSelector)
Calls an operation which is implemented in another plugin.
Public methodCancelBill
Сhanges the order to the New status and prints the bill cancellation cheque.
Public methodCancelNewDelivery
Cancels new delivery.
Public methodCancelNewDeliveryAndHideItemsFromOlap
Cancels new delivery and hides delivery order items from OLAP reports.
Public methodCancelReserve
Cancels reservation due to some reason
Public methodCanProductBePaidWithPaymentType
Function describes if the product is compatible with payment type, i.e. payment type can be used to pay for the product.
Public methodCashRegisterDirectIO
Perform additional specific operation.
Public methodCashRegisterDrawerIsOpened
Get the current state of drawer is opened.
Public methodCashRegisterOpenDrawer
Perform open drawer operation.
Public methodCashRegisterStart
Start the device.
Public methodCashRegisterStop
Stop the device.
Public methodChangeDeliveryOpinion
Changes client's opinion on closed delivery.
Public methodChangeGroupMainTerminal
Changes current group main terminal with new terminal.
Public methodChangeKitchenOrderItemsProcessingStatus
Changes cooking status of the specified cooking items and modifiers.
Public methodChangePreliminaryOrder
Changes preliminary order.
Public methodChangeRideExternalCourier
Changes the external ride courier.
Public methodChangeRideExternalId
Sets ride identifier in the external courier service.
Public methodChangeRideStatus
Changes ride current status to a new one and sets status details if any.
Public methodCheckCanEditOrder
If current user has permissions to view order.
Public methodCheckFfd12Marking
Check item marking. This operation is specific for devices with FFD 1.2 protocol.
Public methodCheckPermission
Checks the user has the permission.
Public methodCheckPermissions
Checks the user has permissions.
Public methodCheckStopListProductsSellingRestrictions
If current user can add these products with such amounts.
Public methodClearCustomData
Clear all custom data.
Public methodClearStopList
Remove all products from stop list.
Public methodCloseCafeSession
Closes cafe session.
Public methodClosePersonalSession
Closes personal session for the specified user or user defined by the credentials.
Public methodComplexAddOrUpdateKitchenOrderAndItemsExternalData
Complex ExternalData update for the entire kitchen order. Allows you to bulk add or update ExternalData for an order and all its items.
Public methodComplexDeleteKitchenOrderAndItemsExternalData
Complex ExternalData update for the entire kitchen order. Allows you to bulk delete ExternalData for an order and all its items.
Public methodConfigureSettings
Apply settings for cash register.
Public methodCreateDiscountCard
Creates a new discount card.
Public methodCreateEditSession
Creates an edit session. All changes made with this session will be accumulated without affecting entities. Use SubmitChanges(IEditSession, ICredentials) method to apply all changes or do nothing to discard them.
Public methodCreateKitchenOrder
Creates new external kitchen order by temporary kitchen order data transfer object.
Public methodCreatePreliminaryOrder
Create new preliminary order.
Public methodDeleteDonation
Deletes existing donation from the order.
Public methodDeleteKitchenOrderExternalData
Deletes external data from the kitchen order.
Public methodDeleteKitchenOrderItemExternalData
Deletes external data from the kitchen order item.
Public methodDeleteKitchenOrderItems
Deletes all items in external kitchen order.
Public methodDeleteOrder
Deletes order. Order must have no printed items. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodDeleteOrderAndHideItemsFromOlap
Deletes order and hides order items from OLAP reports. Order must have no printed items, no payment items and no removed with writeoff items. User must have rights to edit orders.
Public methodDeletePreliminaryOrder
Deletes preliminary order
Public methodDoZReport
Prints Z report and closes session on cash register.
Public methodEnablePreliminaryOrdersScreen
Enable preliminary orders screen for iikoFront user.
Public methodExecuteContinuousOperation(ActionIOperationService)
Executes the callback function as one continuous operation by providing temporary instance of IOperationService, which holds internal locks taken on lockable entities (such as order) until the operation ends. It's strongly recommended to avoid potentially obstructive calls in the callback, i.e network calls, heavy I/O or CPU-bound calls, thread blocking and so on, because touched entities will remain locked for a long time.
Public methodExecuteContinuousOperationT(FuncIOperationService, T)
Executes the callback function as one continuous operation by providing temporary instance of IOperationService, which holds internal locks taken on lockable entities (such as order) until the operation ends. It's strongly recommended to avoid potentially obstructive calls in the callback, i.e network calls, heavy I/O or CPU-bound calls, thread blocking and so on, because touched entities will remain locked for a long time.
Public methodFormatDocumentOnPrintingDevice
Format document markup on specified printer.
Public methodGetActivePaymentTypes
Returns active payment types bound to the specified processor.
Public methodGetActiveProducts
Public methodGetActiveRemovalTypes
Gets removal types which are allowed to use.
Public methodGetActiveStreets Obsolete.
Gets active streets.
Public methodGetAllCustomData
Gets all custom data.
Public methodGetAllergenGroupsByOrderRootItem
Get list of allergen groups for OrderRootItem.
Public methodGetAllergenGroupsByProductIds
Get list of allergen groups for products.
Public methodGetAllExternalNotificationsNames
Returns the names of external notifications.
Public methodGetAllProducts
Gets all products (both active and inactive).
Public methodGetAllStreets Obsolete.
Gets all streets (both active and inactive).
Public methodGetAvailableKitchenStatuses
Returns available kitchen statuses and their names.
Public methodGetCafeSessionById
Returns cafeSession by id.
Public methodGetCafeSessions
Public methodGetCardLoyaltyDiscounts
Returns discounts grouped by order items.
Public methodGetCashMemoMarkup
Format past order cash memo cheque markup on specified printer.
Public methodGetCashRegisterData
Get the current data of the cash register.
Public methodGetCashRegisterInfoById
Returns cashRegisterInfo by id.
Public methodGetCashRegisterInfos
Public methodGetCashRegisterStatus
Get the current status of the cash register.
Public methodGetChangedDeliveryOrders
Get new changes for delivery orders by revision number.
Public methodGetChangedKitchenOrders
Get new changes for kitchen orders by revision number.
Public methodGetChangedOrders
Get new changes for orders by revision number.
Public methodGetChangedReserves
Get new changes for reservers by revision number.
Public methodGetChildGroupsByProductGroup
Returns childGroups of the specified productGroup.
Public methodGetChildProductsByProductGroup
Returns childProducts of the specified productGroup.
Public methodGetCities
Public methodGetCityById
Returns city by id.
Public methodGetClientById
Returns client by id.
Public methodGetCommonGroupModifiers
Group modifiers that are available for the whole compound item. See GetTemplatedModifiersParams(IProduct) of the templated products to get default amount settings for them.
Public methodGetCommonSimpleModifiers
Simple modifiers that are available for the whole compound item. See GetTemplatedModifiersParams(IProduct) of the templated products to get default amount settings for them.
Public methodGetCompoundItemTemplateById
Returns compoundItemTemplate by id.
Public methodGetCompoundItemTemplates
Public methodGetConceptionById
Returns conception by id.
Public methodGetCookingPlaceTypeById
Returns cookingPlaceType by id.
Public methodGetCookingPlaceTypes
Public methodGetCurrencyRates
Returns a dictionary of currencies with rates according to the specified date and time.
Public methodGetCurrencyRatesForOrder
Returns a dictionary of currencies with rates for the specified order.
Public methodGetCurrentUser
Get the logged user.
Public methodGetDefaultCredentials
Returns default credentials bound to current plugin.
Public methodGetDeletedOrderTypes
Public methodGetDeliveryCancelCauseById
Returns deliveryCancelCause by id.
Public methodGetDeliveryCancelCauses
Public methodGetDeliveryOrderById
Returns deliveryOrder by id.
Public methodGetDeliveryOrders
Returns delivery orders.
Public methodGetDeliverySection
Returns section of current group where delivery orders are created. Is determined by default table of group.
Public methodGetDisabledSizesByProduct
Returns disabledSizes of the specified product.
Public methodGetDiscountCardById
Returns discountCard by id.
Public methodGetDiscountCards
Public methodGetDiscountTypeById
Returns discountType by id.
Public methodGetDiscountTypes
Public methodGetDocumentById
Returns document by id.
Public methodGetDocumentFiscalTags
Read fiscal tags of the document from FN.
Public methodGetDocuments
Public methodGetDonationTypesCompatibleWith
Gets donation types which are allowed to use with the order.
Public methodGetExternalNotificationSubscription
Get or registers external notification subscription.
Public methodGetExternalOperations
Returns the list of all currently registered external operations with their service names and owner plugins' licensable module identifiers.
Public methodGetFrontDeliverySettings
Returns courier and self-service delivery duration time set on a delivery terminal.
Public methodGetGroupModifiers
Returns group modifiers of the specified product.
Public methodGetHierarchicalMenu
Public methodGetHostAgentId
Public methodGetHostDatabaseId
Returns database id for local terminal, where the plugin is currently being executed.
Public methodGetHostDeliverySettings
Returns delivery settings of restaurant.
Public methodGetHostRestaurant
Public methodGetHostTerminal
Returns local terminal, where the plugin is currently being executed.
Public methodGetHostTerminalCafeSessionCashSum
Gets cafe session cash sum.
Public methodGetHostTerminalPointsOfSale
Returns list of points of sale attached to local terminal. Empty list means that local terminal is not cash terminal.
Public methodGetHostTerminalRestaurantSections
Returns list of restaurant sections of local terminal.
Public methodGetHostTerminalSettings
Returns settings of the local terminal.
Public methodGetHostTerminalsGroup
Public methodGetIncludedInMenu
Returns menu inclusion for the product according to the given client price category.
Public methodGetIncludedInMenuSectionsByProduct
Returns includedInMenuSections of the specified product.
Public methodGetKitchenOrderAllExternalData
Public methodGetKitchenOrderById
Returns kitchenOrder by id.
Public methodGetKitchenOrderItemAllExternalData
Public methodGetKitchenOrders
Returns all kitchen orders with filled fields.
Public methodGetMarketingSourceById
Returns marketingSource by id.
Public methodGetMarketingSources
Public methodGetMeasuringUnitById
Returns measuringUnit by id.
Public methodGetMeasuringUnits
Public methodGetOrderAllExternalData
Public methodGetOrderById
Returns order by id.
Public methodGetOrderItemProductGroups
Returns product groups from the specified order. Products in each group are intended to be cooked together.
Public methodGetOrders
Returns orders list.
Public methodGetOrderTypeById
Returns orderType by id.
Public methodGetOrderTypes
Public methodGetOrganizationFingerprint
Returns a fingerprint which can be used to identify an iikoRMS server instance.
Public methodGetPastOrder
Get closed order data from server, and returns it.
Public methodGetPastOrders
Get collection of closed orders data with specified order number in the specified time interval from server, and returns it.
Public methodGetPastOrdersBySum
Get collection of closed orders data with a payment amount that included in the range between minPaymentSum and maxPaymentSum in the specified time interval from server, and returns it.
Public methodGetPaymentSystemKey
Tries to return a string for matching the payment type to the payment system if it exists, elseway returns empty string.
Public methodGetPaymentTypeById
Returns paymentType by id.
Public methodGetPaymentTypes
Public methodGetPaymentTypesToPayOutOnUser
Returns payment types that can be processed “silently”, without user interface.
Public methodGetPaymentTypesToStornoPastOrderItems
Gets payment types that can be used to storno past order items.
Public methodGetPointOfSaleById
Returns pointOfSale by id.
Public methodGetPreliminaryOrderById
Returns preliminaryOrder by id or null if preliminaryOrder with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodGetPreliminaryOrders
Get all preliminary orders.
Public methodGetPrice
Returns price for the product according to the given client price category.
Public methodGetPriceCategories
Public methodGetPriceCategoryById
Returns priceCategory by id.
Public methodGetPrinterDriverParameters
Get printer driver parameters.
Public methodGetPrintingDeviceInfoById
Returns printingDeviceInfo by id.
Public methodGetPrintingDeviceInfos
Public methodGetProductByBarcode
Returns product by barcode or null if it is not found.
Public methodGetProductById
Returns product by id.
Public methodGetProductCategories
Public methodGetProductCategoryById
Returns productCategory by id.
Public methodGetProductGroupById
Returns productGroup by id.
Public methodGetProductGroups
Public methodGetProductItemCategories
Public methodGetProductItemCategoryById
Returns productItemCategory by id.
Public methodGetProductScaleById
Returns productScale by id.
Public methodGetProductScales
Public methodGetProductScaleSizes
Public methodGetProductSizeById
Returns productSize by id.
Public methodGetProductSizes
Public methodGetProductStocksListById
Returns productStocksList by id.
Public methodGetProductStocksLists
Public methodGetProductTagById
Returns productTag by id.
Public methodGetProductTagGroupById
Returns productTagGroup by id.
Public methodGetProductTagGroups
Public methodGetProductTags
Public methodGetQueryInfo
Returns supported additional operations.
Public methodGetQuickMenu
Returns quick menu for specified restaurant section and day.
Public methodGetReceiptMarkup
Get reciept markup of the payment.
Public methodGetRegionById
Returns region by id.
Public methodGetRegions
Public methodGetRelatedDeliveryOrders
Gets all deliveries that are related with argument through splitting between cash registers. Delivery itself is also returned. If delivery was not split, returns delivery passed as argument.
Public methodGetRemovalTypeById
Returns removalType by id.
Public methodGetRemovalTypesToStornoPastOrderItems
Gets removal types that can be used to storno past order items. Removal types with WriteoffType.Cafe storno past order items with write-off. Removal types with WriteoffType.None storno past order items without write-off.
Public methodGetReportMarkupById
Get report markup by id.
Public methodGetReportPrinter
Get instance of report printer
Public methodGetReserveById
Returns reserve by id.
Public methodGetReserves
Returns reserves or banquets in any ReserveStatus.
Public methodGetRestaurantSectionById
Returns restaurantSection by id.
Public methodGetRestaurantSections
Public methodGetRoleById
Returns role by id.
Public methodGetRoles
Public methodGetSimpleModifiers
Returns simple modifiers of the specified product.
Public methodGetSplittableGroupModifiers
Group modifiers that are available for compound item component. See GetTemplatedModifiersParams(IProduct) of the templated products to get default amount settings for them.
Public methodGetSplittableSimpleModifiers
Simple modifiers that are available for compound item component. See GetTemplatedModifiersParams(IProduct) of the templated products to get default amount settings for them.
Public methodGetStopListProductsRemainingAmounts
Gets remaining amounts of products and their sizes in stop list.
Public methodGetStreetById
Returns street by id.
Public methodGetStrictAccordanceToScheduleUserRole
Method returns the role of the user.
Public methodGetSurveyItemById
Returns surveyItem by id.
Public methodGetSurveyItems
Public methodGetTableById
Returns table by id.
Public methodGetTables
Returns a list of available tables.
Public methodGetTaxationSystemsToStornoPastOrderItems
Gets taxation systems that can be used to storno past order items.
Public methodGetTaxCategories
Public methodGetTaxCategoryById
Returns taxCategory by id.
Public methodGetTemplatedModifiersParamsByProduct
Returns templatedModifiersParams of the specified product.
Public methodGetTerminalById
Returns terminal by id.
Public methodGetTerminals
Returns list of terminals in the restaurant.
Public methodGetTerminalsGroupById
Returns terminalsGroup by id.
Public methodGetTerminalsGroupPointsOfSale
Returns list of points of sale of the specified terminals group.
Public methodGetTerminalsGroupRestaurantSections
Returns list of restaurant sections of the specified terminals group.
Public methodGetTerminalsGroups
Public methodGetTerminalsGroupTerminals
Returns list of terminals attached to the specified terminals group.
Public methodGetTransportSettings
Returns iikoTransport settings.
Public methodGetUser
Get user corresponding to specified credentials.
Public methodGetUserById
Returns user by id.
Public methodGetUserFullName
Public methodGetUserRoles
Returns roles available for the user.
Public methodGetUsers
Returns users list.
Public methodGetWaiterTeamById
Returns waiterTeam by id.
Public methodGetWaiterTeams
Public methodInvokeExternalNotification
Public methodIsActiveForDeliveries
Public methodIsAllCafeSessionsClosed
Returns true if all cafe sessions of the local terminal are closed.
Public methodIsAllCafeSessionsOpen
Returns true if all cafe sessions of the local terminal are open.
Public methodIsConnectedToMainTerminal
Returns whether the local terminal is connected to the main terminal.
Public methodIsDeliveryActive
Returns whether delivery is active.
Public methodIsDeliveryConfirmationActive
Returns whether delivery confirmation is active.
Public methodIsMultiCashRegisterConfiguration
Returns true if multi cash register configuration allowed.
Public methodIsOrderHasVatInvoice
Returns whether VAT invoice is active for order.
Public methodIsStopListProductSellingRestricted
Checks remaining amount of the product and determines whether selling of that product is restricted.
Public methodNeedToSplitOrderBeforePayment
Checks if order should be splitted between cash registers before payment. Method also returns estimated point of sale for order if it can be determinated at the moment.
Public methodOpenCafeSession
Opens cafe session.
Public methodOpenCashDrawer
Open cash drawer connected to specified receipt or bill printer (other types not supported).
Public methodOpenCashRegisterSession
Opens session on cash register.
Public methodOpenPersonalSession
Opens personal session for the specified or defined by the credentials user using the specified role.
Public methodPayOrder
Pay order with included processed or “silent” payment items.
Public methodPayOrderAndPayOutOnUser
Pay order and pay out on user.
Public methodPrepareDeliveryForSending
Prepares delivery for sending by courier, switches DeliveryStatus from New to Waiting.
Public methodPrint(IPrintingDeviceInfo, Document)
Print document on printing device. It can be printer of cash register
Public methodPrint(IPrinterQueueRef, Document, Boolean)
Print document on specified printer.
Public methodPrintBanquet
Prints preliminary document with estimated event date and time, planned menu, guests count, client contacts, prepay info, etc.
Public methodPrintBillCheque
Changes the order to Bill status if it is not Bill and prints bill cheque.
Public methodPrintCashMemoCheque
Public methodPrintDeliveryBill
Prints delivery bill.
Public methodPrintOrderItems
Prints service cheque for defined order item products.
Public methodPrintReceiptCheque
Printing receipts to a printer.
Public methodPrintTableReservedCheque
Prints short “Table reserved” document with estimated event date and time, guests count and client contacts. Can be used to place onto reserved table as a hint not to occupy it.
Public methodProcessPrepay
Processes existing payment item. Payment item should be processed externally or supports silent processing.
Public methodRegisterAfterFormatDocumentHandler
Allows modifying the document after the formatting. Returning 'null' from the callback will result in no changes being applied to the document markup.
Public methodRegisterBeforeFormatDocumentHandler
Allows modifying the document before the formatting. Returning 'null' from the callback will result in no changes being applied to the document markup.
Public methodRegisterBuildEInvoiceOrderItemsHandler
Allows to provide custom EInvoice order items implementation.
Public methodRegisterCashRegisterFactory
Registers cash register factory.
Public methodRegisterChequeTaskProcessor
Registers chequeTaskProcessor for extension the functionality of the cash register.
Public methodRegisterCustomRoundingHandler
Allows to provide custom order sum rounding implementation.
Public methodRegisterExternalAddressSearchProvider
Registers external adress search provider.
Public methodRegisterExternalCompanyInfoSearchProvider
Registers external company info search provider.
Public methodRegisterExternalCourierServicesProvider
Registers ecs provider.
Public methodRegisterExternalOperation(String, String, FuncValueTupleByte, String, Int32, Guid, Byte)
Exposes a custom operation to be available for call by other plugins. The registration is not permanent, it holds true until disposing the return value, or plugin shutdown.
Public methodRegisterExternalOperationTRequest, TResponse(String, String, FuncValueTupleTRequest, String, Int32, Guid, TResponse, SerializationBinder, ISurrogateSelector)
Exposes a custom operation to be available for call by other plugins. The registration is not permanent, it holds true until disposing the return value, or plugin shutdown.
Public methodRegisterPaymentSystem
Registers payment system.
Public methodRegisterScaleFactory
Registers scale factory.
Public methodRemoveOrderClient
Returns true if client is unbound of the order.
Public methodRemoveProductFromStopList
Remove specific product from stop list.
Public methodRemoveProductsFromStopList
Remove list of specific product from stop list.
Public methodResetOrderCounter
Resets order counter. The operation can only be performed if all cafe sessions are closed.
Public methodSearchClients
Search clients. The number of results is limited.
Public methodSearchDiscountCardByNumber
Searches a discount card by given card number.
Public methodSearchStreets
Searches streets and returns limited number of results.
Public methodSendDelivery
Sends the delivery.
Public methodSendHrsCardTransactionToServer
Sends guest data to the server.
Public methodSetKitchenOrderProcessingStatus
Changes cooking status of the kitchen order.
Public methodSetStopListProductRemainingAmount
Add and set amount for specific product and it's size to stop list.
Public methodSetStopListProductsRemainingAmounts
Add and set amount for specific products and their sizes to stop list.
Public methodSplitOrderBetweenCashRegisters
Split order between cash registers according to the current point of sale mapping.
Public methodStartCourseCooking
Starts cooking for all order item products of the specified course.
Public methodStartProductsCooking
Starts cooking for the specified order item products.
Public methodStartService
Starts the specified service.
Public methodStopService
Stops the specified service.
Public methodStornoOrder
Storno order that was paid on local cash register and return clone of storned order.
Public methodStornoPastOrder
Storno past order items from a past order.
Public methodStornoPastOrderItems
Storno arbitrary past order items selected by user.
Public methodSubmitChanges
Applies all changes made with specified edit session.
Public methodTryEditCurrentOrder
Allows to show messages and make changes to the order that is currently opened on the order edit screen.
Public methodTryEditCurrentPaymentScreen
Allows to show messages and make changes to the order that is currently opened on the payment screen.
Public methodTryExecuteUiOperation
Allows to show messages on the currently opened screen.
Public methodTryGetBillPrinter
Try get bill printer for specified restaurant section.
Public methodTryGetCafeSessionByCashRegister
Returns current open cafe session on cash register.
Public methodTryGetCafeSessionById
Returns cafeSession by id or null if cafeSession with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetCashRegisterInfoById
Returns cashRegisterInfo by id or null if cashRegisterInfo with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetChildGroupsByProductGroup
Returns childGroups of the specified productGroup or null if productGroup doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetChildProductsByProductGroup
Returns childProducts of the specified productGroup or null if productGroup doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetCityById
Returns city by id or null if city with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetClientById
Returns client by id or null if client with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetClientByPhone
Returns client by phone.
Public methodTryGetCompoundItemTemplateById
Returns compoundItemTemplate by id or null if compoundItemTemplate with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetConceptionById
Returns conception by id or null if conception with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetCookingPlaceTypeById
Returns cookingPlaceType by id or null if cookingPlaceType with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetCustomData
Tries to get custom data by key.
Public methodTryGetDeliveryCancelCauseById
Returns deliveryCancelCause by id or null if deliveryCancelCause with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetDeliveryOrderById
Returns deliveryOrder by id or null if deliveryOrder with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetDisabledSizesByProduct
Returns disabledSizes of the specified product or null if product doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetDiscountCardById
Returns discountCard by id or null if discountCard with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetDiscountTypeById
Returns discountType by id or null if discountType with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetDishPrinter
Try get instance of dish printer.
Public methodTryGetDocumentById
Returns document by id or null if document with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetDocumentPrinter
Try get document printer for specified restaurant section.
Public methodTryGetIncludedInMenuSectionsByProduct
Returns includedInMenuSections of the specified product or null if product doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetKitchenOrderById
Returns kitchenOrder by id or null if kitchenOrder with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetKitchenOrderByOrder
Returns kitchen order for base order.
Public methodTryGetKitchenOrderExternalDataByKey
Returns external data by key. Use AddOrUpdateKitchenOrderExternalData(IKitchenOrder, String, ExternalDataItem) to add the data in order.
Public methodTryGetKitchenOrderItemExternalDataByKey
Returns external data by key. Use AddOrUpdateKitchenOrderExternalData(IKitchenOrder, String, ExternalDataItem) to add the data in order.
Public methodTryGetMarketingSourceById
Returns marketingSource by id or null if marketingSource with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetMeasuringUnitById
Returns measuringUnit by id or null if measuringUnit with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetOrderById
Returns order by id or null if order with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetOrderExternalDataByKey
Returns external data by key. Use [!:AddOrderExternalData] to add the data in order.
Public methodTryGetOrderTypeById
Returns orderType by id or null if orderType with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetParentByProduct
Returns parent of the specified product or null if product doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetParentByProductGroup
Returns parent of the specified productGroup or null if productGroup doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetPaymentTypeById
Returns paymentType by id or null if paymentType with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetPointOfSaleByCookingPlaceType
Get linked point of sale for cooking place type.
Public methodTryGetPointOfSaleById
Returns pointOfSale by id or null if pointOfSale with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetPreliminaryOrderById
Returns preliminaryOrder by id.
Public methodTryGetPriceCategoryById
Returns priceCategory by id or null if priceCategory with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetPrintingDeviceInfoById
Returns printingDeviceInfo by id or null if printingDeviceInfo with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetProductById
Returns product by id or null if product with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetProductCategoryById
Returns productCategory by id or null if productCategory with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetProductGroupById
Returns productGroup by id or null if productGroup with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetProductGroupMenuImage
Returns a byte sequence presenting an image to be shown as a background on a menu button for the specified product group. If the product group doesn't have an image, null will be returned.
Public methodTryGetProductItemCategoryById
Returns productItemCategory by id or null if productItemCategory with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetProductMenuImage
Returns a byte sequence presenting an image to be shown as a background on a menu button for the specified product. If the product doesn't have an image, null will be returned.
Public methodTryGetProductScaleById
Returns productScale by id or null if productScale with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetProductSizeById
Returns productSize by id or null if productSize with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetProductStocksListById
Returns productStocksList by id or null if productStocksList with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetProductTagById
Returns productTag by id or null if productTag with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetProductTagGroupById
Returns productTagGroup by id or null if productTagGroup with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetReceiptChequePrinter
Try get receipt cheque printer for default cash register.
Public methodTryGetRegionById
Returns region by id or null if region with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetRemovalTypeById
Returns removalType by id or null if removalType with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetReserveByExternalId
Returns reserve by its external id or null if reserve with specified external id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetReserveById
Returns reserve by id or null if reserve with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetRestaurantSectionById
Returns restaurantSection by id or null if restaurantSection with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetRideByDeliveryOrderId
Gets current ride of the delivery, if there's one. Or null, if there's no ride associated with the delivery.
Public methodTryGetRoleById
Returns role by id or null if role with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetSectionSchemaByRestaurantSection
Returns sectionSchema of the specified restaurantSection or null if restaurantSection doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetSelectiveDiscountItemSettings
Returns order items to which the specified selective discount item is applied or null if the discount item is applied to the whole order.
Public methodTryGetStickerPrinter
Try get sticker printer for specified restaurant section.
Public methodTryGetStreetById
Returns street by id or null if street with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetSurveyItemById
Returns surveyItem by id or null if surveyItem with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetTableById
Returns table by id or null if table with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetTaxCategoryById
Returns taxCategory by id or null if taxCategory with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetTemplatedModifiersParamsByProduct
Returns templatedModifiersParams of the specified product or null if product doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetTerminalAddress
Returns address of the specified terminal or null if the terminal is not available. The address can be IPv4/IPv6/Domain name/Netbios name.
Public methodTryGetTerminalById
Returns terminal by id or null if terminal with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetTerminalsGroupById
Returns terminalsGroup by id or null if terminalsGroup with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetUserById
Returns user by id or null if user with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetWaiterTeamById
Returns waiterTeam by id or null if waiterTeam with specified id doesn't exist.
Public methodTryGetWaiterTeamForUser
Gets user's waiter team.
Public methodTryRemoveCustomData
Tries to remove custom data by key.
Public methodUnprocessPayment
Public methodUpdateDeliveriesScreenButtonState
Updates an existing button state on the deliveries screen.
Public methodUpdateDeliveryOrderEditScreenButtonState
Updates an existing button state on the delivery order edit screen.
Public methodUpdateDiscountCard
Updates an existing discount card.
Public methodUpdatePaymentScreenButtonState
Updates an existing button state on the payment screen.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAddCardLoyaltyDiscounts
Adds discounts grouped by order items.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddDeliveryAutoAddition
Adds some items according to the product auto-addition settings.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddDiscount
Adds simple discount of known type to existing order. User must have rights to work with discounts.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddDiscountByCardNumber
Add discount by card number.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddExternalFiscalizedPaymentItem(Decimal, IPaymentItemAdditionalData, IPaymentType, IOrder, ICredentials, IAdditionalCurrency, IOrderGuestItem)Overloaded.
Add new externally fiscalized payment item to order.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddExternalFiscalizedPaymentItem(Guid, Decimal, IPaymentItemAdditionalData, IPaymentType, IOrder, ICredentials, IAdditionalCurrency, IOrderGuestItem)Overloaded.
Add new external fiscalized payment item to order.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddExternalPaymentItem(Decimal, Boolean, IPaymentItemAdditionalData, OrganizationDetailsInfo, IPaymentType, IOrder, ICredentials, IAdditionalCurrency, IOrderGuestItem)Overloaded.
Add new external payment item to order.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddExternalPaymentItem(Guid, Decimal, Boolean, IPaymentItemAdditionalData, OrganizationDetailsInfo, IPaymentType, IOrder, ICredentials, IAdditionalCurrency, IOrderGuestItem)Overloaded.
Add new external payment item to order.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddFlexibleSumDiscount
Adds simple discount of known type to existing order. User must have rights to work with discounts.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddFlexibleSumDiscountByCardNumber
Add discount by card number.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddOrderCombo
Create order combo item. Order must contain new combo items.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddOrderExternalData
Adds external data to the order. Cannot update public external data for closed order. Use DeleteOrderExternalData(IOperationService, String, IOrder, ICredentials) to delete the data when it's no longer needed.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddOrderGuest(String, IOrder, ICredentials)Overloaded.
Adds new guest to existing order. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddOrderGuest(Guid, String, IOrder, ICredentials)Overloaded.
Adds new guest with the given ID to existing order. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddOrderModifierItem(Int32, IProduct, IProductGroup, IOrder, IOrderProductItem, ICredentials, NullableInt32, NullableDecimal)Overloaded.
Adds order item modifier to the order item in existing order. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddOrderModifierItem(Int32, IProduct, IProductGroup, IOrder, IOrderCompoundItem, ICredentials, NullableInt32, NullableDecimal)Overloaded.
Adds order item modifier to the compound item in existing order. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddOrderModifierItem(Int32, IProduct, IProductGroup, IOrder, IOrderCompoundItemComponent, ICredentials, NullableInt32, NullableDecimal)Overloaded.
Adds order item modifier to the compound item component in existing order. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddOrderModifierItem(Guid, Int32, IProduct, IProductGroup, IOrder, IOrderProductItem, ICredentials, NullableInt32, NullableDecimal)Overloaded.
Adds order item modifier to the order item in existing order. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddOrderModifierItem(Guid, Int32, IProduct, IProductGroup, IOrder, IOrderCompoundItem, ICredentials, NullableInt32, NullableDecimal)Overloaded.
Adds order item modifier to the compound item in existing order. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddOrderModifierItem(Guid, Int32, IProduct, IProductGroup, IOrder, IOrderCompoundItemComponent, ICredentials, NullableInt32, NullableDecimal)Overloaded.
Adds order item modifier to the compound item component in existing order. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddOrderProductItem(Decimal, IProduct, IOrder, IOrderGuestItem, IProductSize, ICredentials, OrderItemCourse, NullableDecimal)Overloaded.
Adds assortment position to the guest in existing order. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddOrderProductItem(Guid, Decimal, IProduct, IOrder, IOrderGuestItem, IProductSize, ICredentials, OrderItemCourse, NullableDecimal)Overloaded.
Adds assortment position to the guest in existing order. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddOrderServiceItem
Adds time pay service item to the guest in existing order. User must have permission to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddOrUpdateModifierForPrintedItem
Adds order item modifier for product which is already printed. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddPaymentItem(Decimal, IPaymentItemAdditionalData, IPaymentType, IOrder, ICredentials, IAdditionalCurrency, IOrderGuestItem)Overloaded.
Add new payment item to order.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddPaymentItem(Guid, Decimal, IPaymentItemAdditionalData, IPaymentType, IOrder, ICredentials, IAdditionalCurrency, IOrderGuestItem)Overloaded.
Add new payment item to order.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddPreliminaryPaymentItem(Decimal, IPaymentItemAdditionalData, IPaymentType, IDeliveryOrder, ICredentials, IOrderGuestItem)Overloaded.
Add new preliminary payment item to order.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddPreliminaryPaymentItem(Guid, Decimal, IPaymentItemAdditionalData, IPaymentType, IDeliveryOrder, ICredentials, IOrderGuestItem)Overloaded.
Add new preliminary payment item to order.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodBindReserveToOrder
Converts exising reserve or banquet without order to banquet with order.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeClientAddresses
Changes client addresses.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeClientBirthDate
Changes client's birth date.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeClientBlacklistInfo
Changes client blacklist info.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeClientCardNumber
Changes client card number.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeClientComment
Changes client comment.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeClientConsentDates
Changes client's dates of consent.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeClientEmails
Changes client emails list.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeClientGender
Change client's gender.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeClientIikoBizId
Changes client's account in
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeClientLastOrderDate
Changes client's last order date.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeClientLinkedCounteragent
Changes client linked counter agent.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeClientMainAddressIndex
Changes client main address index.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeClientMarketingSource
Changes client marketing source.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeClientName
Changes client name.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeClientNick
Changes client nickname.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeClientOrganizationDetailsInfo
Changes organization details information of client.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeClientPersonalDataConsent
Changes whether client consented processing their personal data.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeClientPersonalDataProcessingDates
Changes dates of the time interval which allows client's legal personal data processing without thier consent.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeClientPhones
Changes client phones list.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeClientReceivesLoyaltySystemNotifications
Changes whether client receives loyalty system notification messages.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeClientReceivesOrderStatusNotifications
Changes whether client receives order status notification messages.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeClientReceivesPromotionalNotifications
Changes whether client receives promotional notification messages.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeClientSurname
Changes client surname.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeComboAmount
Change combo amount.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeComboPrice
Change combo price.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeComboSize
Change combo size.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeCookingPriority
Changes custom cooking priority and top priority flag.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeDeliveryActualDeliverTime
Change time when the order was actually delivered.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeDeliveryAddress
Changes address of delivery
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeDeliveryClientName
Change name of delivery client.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeDeliveryComment
Change the order comment.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeDeliveryConfirmTime
Changes delivery confirmation state and time.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeDeliveryCourier
Assign/Change the order courier. Can use this action only before the order is to be delivered.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeDeliveryCustomApiData
Change the delivery custom data from api.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeDeliveryDuration
Sets duration of delivery processing.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeDeliveryEmail
Change the order e-mail.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeDeliveryExpectedDeliverTime
Change time when client wants the order to be delivered.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeDeliveryExpectedDuration
Sets calculated delivery duration without overrided value on terminal.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeDeliveryExternalCourierService
Changes external courier service for delivery.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeDeliveryFixedRestrictions
Fixes delivery restrictions check result values, so that they could not be corrected in iikoFront from now on. Or unfixes them for iikoFront to reevaluate them later on.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeDeliveryLastVerifiedRestrictionsHash
Sets calculated delivery restirictions hash.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeDeliveryLocation
Changes delivery address location.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeDeliveryMarketingSource
Assign/change order marketing source.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeDeliveryMoveIds
Sets identifiers of:
the new delivery created to transfer current one to a new terminal.
the group of a new delivery created to transfer current one to a new terminal.
the old delivery, from which the current one was created after transferring to a new terminal.
the group of an old delivery, from which the current one was created after transferring to a new terminal.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeDeliveryOperator
Assign/change the order operator.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeDeliveryOrderPredictedCookingCompleteTime
Change predicted time when the order cooking should be completed. Can change property only for Unconfirmed, New or Waiting delivery.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeDeliveryPhone
Changes the order phone.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeDeliveryPredictedDeliveryTime
Change predicted time when the order should be delivered. Can change property only for Unconfirmed, New or Waiting delivery.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeDeliveryProblemComment
Change the order problem comment.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeDeliveryProblemStatus
Change the order problem status.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeDeliverySplitBetweenPersons
Changes the order property if it should be splitted between persons.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeDeliveryZone
Sets matching the address calculated delivery zone name.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeEstimatedOrderGuestsCount
Changes estimated order guests count. Use this method to set estimated guests count when guests collection doesn't reflect actual state of affairs.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeExternalPaymentItemCustomData
Changes custom data of existing external payment item.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeOrderAppliedIikoCard5ManualConditions
Bind or unbind iikoCard5 manual conditions for order.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeOrderComment
Changes order comment.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeOrderCookingItemAmount
Changes the amount of the assortment position in existing order. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeOrderCookingItemCourse
Changes the course of the order item.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeOrderCookingItemSize
Changes the product size of the order item.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeOrderExternalNumber
Sets order it's corresponding external number from an external system.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeOrderIikoCard5Coupon
Bind or unbind order iikoCard5 coupon, used in iikoCard5 system.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeOrderItemComment
Changes product order item's comment.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeOrderItemMarkingCode
Changes the marking code of a product within an order item. Skip scanning of marking code option will be reset. Use SkipScanningOrderItemMarkingCode(IOperationService, IOrder, IOrderProductItem, ICredentials) to set this option.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeOrderItemsCookingPlace
Changes cooking place for order cooking items.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeOrderItemWaiter
Changes product order item's waiter.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeOrderModifierItemAmount(Int32, IOrder, IOrderProductItem, IOrderModifierItem, ICredentials, NullableInt32)Overloaded.
Changes the amount of the product item modifier. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeOrderModifierItemAmount(Int32, IOrder, IOrderCompoundItem, IOrderModifierItem, ICredentials, NullableInt32)Overloaded.
Changes the amount of the compound item common modifier. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeOrderModifierItemAmount(Int32, IOrder, IOrderCompoundItemComponent, IOrderModifierItem, ICredentials, NullableInt32)Overloaded.
Changes the amount of the compound component modifier. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeOrderOriginName
Sets order origin — name of the source this order was received from. Specifying origin allows to analyse efficiency of external order sources such as different web-sites, mobile applications and so on. Origin name can be set only once.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeOrderPricingTime
Change order pricing time, which determines the price of products. By default time taken from items print time.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeOrderTables
Changes tables of the order.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeOrderWaiter
Changes order's waiter.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangePaymentItemCustomData
Changes custom data of existing payment item.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangePaymentItemSum
Changes sum of existing payment item.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangePreliminaryPaymentItemCustomData
Changes custom data of existing preliminary payment item.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangePreliminaryPaymentItemSum
Changes sum of existing preliminary payment item.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangePriceCategory
Changes price category of the order.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeReserveComment
Changes reserve comment. Use empty string to clear comment.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeReserveDuration
Changes estimated reserve duration (amount of time betwen visit's start and end). Default reserve duration is 2 hours, banquet duration is 3 hours.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeReserveEstimatedStartTime
Changes estimated reserve start time.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeReserveGuestsCount
Changes estimated guests count for reserve. Default value is 2.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeReserveReminder
Changes reserve reminder flag.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeReserveTables
Changes reserving tables.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeSelectiveDiscount(IReadOnlyListValueTupleGuid, Decimal, IOrder, IDiscountType, ICredentials)Overloaded.
Change discount item selective application settings. For each item Id, the discount amount is set separately.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeSelectiveDiscount(IOrder, IDiscountType, IReadOnlyListIOrderProductItem, IReadOnlyListIOrderModifierItem, IReadOnlyListIOrderCompoundItemComponent, ICredentials)Overloaded.
Change discount item selective application settings. Set both products and modifiers to null if you want the discount item to be applied to the whole order (including future order items), otherwise provide order item products and modifiers for selective discount item application.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodChangeStreetName
Changes street's name.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodConvertToTableServiceOrder
Converts FastFood order to TableService order.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCreateBanquet(DateTime, String, IClient, IReadOnlyListITable, ICredentials, Guid)Overloaded.
Creates reservation for planned event in future. Table will be marked as reserved to prevent collision with other events at the same time.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCreateBanquet(DateTime, String, IClient, IOrder, ICredentials, Guid)Overloaded.
Creates reservation for planned event in future. Order's table will be marked as reserved to prevent collision with other events at the same time.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCreateClient
Creates new client. The client must have a card number or at least one phone number.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCreateClientWithOrganizationDetails
Creates new client. The client must have orgatizations details info.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCreateReserve
Creates reservation for planned visit in future. Table will be marked as reserved to prevent collision with other guests at the same time.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCreateStreet(String, ICredentials)Overloaded.
Creates new street.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCreateStreet(Guid, String, ICity, ICredentials)Overloaded.
Creates new street.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodDeleteDiscount
Removes discount of known type from existing order. User must have rights to work with discounts.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodDeleteExternalFiscalizedPaymentItem
Delete existing externally fiscalized payment item from order.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodDeleteExternalPaymentItem
Delete existing external payment item from order.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodDeleteOrderCombo
Delete order combo item.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodDeleteOrderExternalData
Deletes external data from the order.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodDeleteOrderGuest
Deletes guest without any products from order.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodDeleteOrderItem
Deletes order item from order that represents the assortment position. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodDeleteOrderItemComment
Deletes product order item's comment.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodDeleteOrderModifierItem(IOrder, IOrderProductItem, IOrderModifierItem, ICredentials)Overloaded.
Deletes order item modifier from order item that represents the assortment position. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodDeleteOrderModifierItem(IOrder, IOrderCompoundItem, IOrderModifierItem, ICredentials)Overloaded.
Deletes order item modifier from order item that represents the assortment position. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodDeleteOrderModifierItem(IOrder, IOrderCompoundItemComponent, IOrderModifierItem, ICredentials)Overloaded.
Deletes order item modifier from order item that represents the assortment position. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodDeleteOrRestoreStreet
Deletes street.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodDeletePaymentItem
Delete existing payment item from order.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodDeletePreliminaryPaymentItem
Delete existing preliminary payment item from order.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodDeletePrintedOrderItemComment
Deletes product order item's comment.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodDeletePrintedOrderItems
Deletes order items that is already printed. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodDeletePrintedOrderModifierItem
Deletes order item modifier that is already printed. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGroupOrderCookingItems
Combines the order item products into mix group so that they will be cooked together. Only consecutive products of the same guest can be combined into mix group.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodMarkOrderAsAdditional
Marks order as additional.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodMarkOrderAsTab
Marks the order as tab and assigns tab name.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodMoveOrderItemToAnotherGuest
Moves product item between guests of the same order.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodMoveOrderItemToAnotherOrder
Moves product item between orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodOverrideVatInclusionForOrder
Overrides default VAT inclusion settings for items of the specified order.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodRenameOrderGuest
Renames order's guest.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodReopenReserve
Reopens previously closed or canceled reserve.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResetIsPrintedDeliveryBillActual
Resets whether latest printed bill is actual to 'false' value. Use when you want delivery bill to be print again according to settings. For example, if you changed courier and wish to have actual name on the bill, call this action and delivery will automatically printed according to settings. On the contrary, if you don't want bill to be printed again (for example, courier is written to the bill later by hands), you have no need to call this action.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResetOderLastChangeTimeByWaiter
Reset order last change time by waiter time to now. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResetPriceCategory
Resets price category of the order.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodServeOrderCookingItem
Mark order item product as served.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetChequeAdditionalInfo
Sets cheque information to the order.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetCompoundItemComponentCustomName
Sets the custom name of the compound component. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetDeliveryCloseTime
Changes delivery closing status and time.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetDeliveryCustomerAuthorizedInIikoBiz
Changes whether the client is already authorized in WARNING: use with caution! Illegal value can lead to unsuccessful operations. Do NOT set this property to 'true' if you are not sure that all authorization properties are correct and customer is registered in; that will cause payment failure.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetDeliveryDelivered
Changes delivery status from OnWay to Delivere and sets current time as time when the order was actually delivered.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetDeliveryUndelivered
Returns the delivery from the Delivered status back to the OnWay status.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetOpenPrice
Changes order item open price.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetOrderHasFixedIikoCardDiscounts
Sets that the order has fixed iikoCard discounts.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetOrderModifierItemCustomName(String, IOrder, IOrderProductItem, IOrderModifierItem, ICredentials)Overloaded.
Sets the custom name of the product item modifier. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetOrderModifierItemCustomName(String, IOrder, IOrderCompoundItem, IOrderModifierItem, ICredentials)Overloaded.
Sets the custom name of the compound item common modifier. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetOrderModifierItemCustomName(String, IOrder, IOrderCompoundItemComponent, IOrderModifierItem, ICredentials)Overloaded.
Sets the custom name of the compound component modifier. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetOrderType
Sets order type for order.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetProductItemCustomName
Sets the custom name of the product item. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetServiceItemCustomName
Sets the custom name of the service item. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetServiceItemPeriodCustomName
Sets the custom name of the service period. User must have rights to edit orders.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSkipScanningOrderItemMarkingCode
Skips scanning marking code of a product within an order item. Marking code of order item will be reset to null. Use ChangeOrderItemMarkingCode(IOperationService, String, IOrder, IOrderProductItem, ICredentials) to reset this option.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSplitOrderCookingItem
Cut off specified amount from product to new one.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodStartBanquet
Transits banquet to the started status.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodUngroupOrderCookingItems
Separates the order item products from mix group so that they will be cooked independently.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodUnserveOrderCookingItem
Mark order item product as unserved.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodUpdateOrderComboItems
Update existing order combo items. Order must contain new combo items.
(Defined by OperationServiceExtensions.)
There is a global instance of the service which is available
See Also