IDeliveryOrder Interface |
Namespace: Resto.Front.Api.Data.Orders
public interface IDeliveryOrder : IOrder, ISerializable, IEntity, IVersionedEntity, IOrderStub, IDeliveryOrderStub
The IDeliveryOrder type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ActualDeliverTime | Time when order was actually delivered to the client | |
Address | Address where the order will be delivered | |
AppliedDiscounts | The result of applying discount items from Discounts. Discount items that don't affect the order, aren't included into this collection. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
BillTime | Gets the bill cheque print time of the current order. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
CafeAddress | Restaurant address | |
CancelCause | Cause of cancelling the order | |
CancelComment | Comment to the order cancellation | |
CancelTime | Time when the order was marked as cancelled | |
Cashier | Gets the user closed the current order. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
ChequeAdditionalInfo | Cheque information of the order. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
Client | Client that placed the delivery. | |
ClientName | Name of client | |
CloseTime | Gets the payment time of the current order. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
Combos | (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
Comment | Client's comment on order | |
ConfirmTime | Time when order was confirmed | |
CookingFinishTime | Time when order cooking was finished | |
CookingPriority | Specifies a custom cooking priority. While the application provides built-in prioritization logic for orders based on timing, dish courses, etc., you can override it and enforce custom cooking order based on your external logic. Ideally, all dishes should be cooked timely, but in case of concurrency when kitchen is high-loaded, you have to decide which orders are more important and should be cooked in the first place and which orders are allowed to be delayed. Higher priority values mean that the order, its serve groups and dishes will appear at the kitchen display earlier. Default value is zero. Both positive and negative values are allowed for raising and lowering the priority correspondingly. Orders with the same cooking priority will be sorted using default built-in logic. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
Courier | Courier that delivers the order | |
CreateTime | Time when order was created | |
CustomApiData | Custom data about delivery from Api | |
CustomerIds | (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
DeliveryCloseTime | Time when delivery order was marked as closed | |
DeliveryId | Identifier of the delivery, don't confuse it with identifier of the delivery order. This property exists for historical reason, avoid using it when possible. | |
DeliveryOperator | User who created the order | |
DeliveryStatus | Status of the delivery | |
DetailedVatInvoiceParamaters | Vat invoice info for each guest by guest id. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
Discounts | Discount items that have been added to the order. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
Donations | (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
Duration | ||
E-mail of client | ||
EstimatedGuestsCount | Gets estimated guests count, that is greater than or equal to added guests count. When single order is used to serve many people and handling each of them as a separate guest may be inconvenient, this property will indicate estimated guests count while guests collection will contain as many guests as needed for waiters. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
ExpectedDeliverTime | Time when client wants the order to be delivered | |
ExpectedDuration | Duration calculated without overridden value on terminal | |
ExternalCourierServiceData | External service courier that delivers the order | |
ExternalNumber | Optional order number in the external system. This can be used to match the external order to the iiko one. This property contains either null or number of the source order was received from. Specifying origin order number allows to analyse efficiency of external order sources such as different web-sites, mobile applications and so on. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
FiscalChequeNumbers | Fiscal cheque numbers. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
FixedRestrictions | Whether delivery restrictions check result values is fixed and can not be corrected in iikoFront. Fires only for Duration other than null | |
FullSum | Subtotal, sum of all not deleted order items with included vat, but without excluded vat and discounts. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
GroupOrderId | Group order id, if current order is an additional order. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
Guests | (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
HasProblem | Whether the order is marked as having problem | |
Id | (Inherited from IEntity.) | |
IikoCard51Info | Specific data for iikoCard51. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
IndexInCourierRoute | Index of the order in courier route (zero-based) | |
IsAsap | Whether to deliver as soon as possible | |
IsBanquetOrder | Order is for banquet. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
IsCourierSelectedManually | Whether courier was selected from UI or automatically | |
IsCustomerAuthorizedInIikoBiz | Indicates whether customer is already authorized in, i.e. his credentials are verified | |
IsFastFoodOrder | Order is FastFood. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
IsFiscalizedBeforePayment | Whether order was printed fiscal cheque before payment (PrintFiscalChequeBeforePaymentOrder(IOrder, Boolean, ICredentials, ChequeAdditionalInfo)). (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
IsPrintedBillActual | Whether the order bill was already printed and since then it's considered to be actual. Also means whether the bill will be printed automatically according to settings: if it's not already printed, it will. | |
IsTopCookingPriority | The flag specifies that this order should be cooked out-of-order at kitchen. All orders which have this flag set on will appear above other orders at the kitchen display. Both groups (top priority and non-top priority) will be sorted separately using usual sorting logic (custom cooking priority, then default built-in criterions. Default value is false. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
Items | (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
LastChangedTerminalId | Id of the terminal (ITerminal) that last changed the order. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
LastVerifiedDeliveryRestrictionsHash | Last verified on server delivery restrictions hash | |
Latitude | Latitude of geoposition of the delivery address | |
Longitude | Longitude of geoposition of the delivery address | |
MarketingSource | Advertising Source of the order (for example, some web site, call center) | |
MovedFromDeliveryId | Identifier of the old delivery, from which the current one was created after transferring to a new terminal | |
MovedFromTerminalGroupId | Group identifier of the old delivery, from which the current one was created after transferring to a new terminal | |
MovedToDeliveryId | Identifier of the new delivery created to transfer the old one to a new terminal | |
MovedToTerminalGroupId | Group identifier of the new delivery created to transfer the old one to a new terminal | |
Number | (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
OpenTime | (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
OrderType | (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
OriginName | Optional marker used to specify order origin. This property contains either null or name of the source order was received from. Specifying origin allows to analyse efficiency of external order sources such as different web-sites, mobile applications and so on. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
PackedTime | Time when order was packed | |
ParentOrderId | The Id of the original order, if the current order is the result of a split. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
PaymentDiscounts | The result of applying payment items from Payments processed or fiscalized as discounts. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
Payments | (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
Phone | Phone of client | |
PredictedCookingCompleteTime | Predicted time when order cooking should be completed | |
PredictedDeliveryTime | Predicted time when order should be delivered | |
PriceCategory | Price category. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
PricingTime | Time, which determines the price of products. By default time is taken from items print time. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
PrintTime | Time when products were printed | |
ProblemComment | Description of the problem. Non-empty ProblemComment doesn't mean delivery is currently has a problem: comment could been filled in earlier, and after that HasProblem flag was unchecked. That means that the order had some problems earlier. | |
ProcessedPaymentsSum | Sum of all processed payment items in order. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
RemovedItems | List of items which were deleted before printing. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
RepeatBillNumber | Number of repeated bills. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
ReserveId | Identifier of reserve / banquet related to the order. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
ResultSum | Total sum to be paid, sum of all not deleted order items with discounts and both included and excluded vat. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
Revision | Incremental version of the entity. The revision grows monotonically only within this terminal database (GetHostDatabaseId). (Inherited from IVersionedEntity.) | |
SendTime | Time when order was sent to client | |
SourceId | Identifier of the delivery that existed before splitting it by multiple cash registers. Depending on settings, a single delivery can be split by multiple cash registers before payment, producing multiple deliveries. At this moment SourceId of all produced deliveries is set to Id of the source delivery. If delivery was not splitted by cash registers, SourceId returns null. | |
SplitBetweenPersons | Indicates whether the order should be splitted between persons or not | |
Status | (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
StornedOrderId | Source order's identifier this order copied from during storno operation. null if the order has never storned. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
Tables | (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
TabName | Optional marker used to specify that the order is a tab. This property contains name of the tab if the order is marked as tab, otherwise null. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
VatInvoiceParamaters | Order vat invoice info. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
Waiter | (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
WasPrepaid | Whether order was prepaid. Any processed or deleted prepay. (Inherited from IOrder.) | |
Zone | Name of a delivery zone set for the address |
Name | Description | |
GetObjectData | Populates a SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object. (Inherited from ISerializable.) |
Name | Description | |
GetOrderAllExternalData | (Defined by OperationArgumentExtensions.) | |
TryGetOrderExternalDataByKey |
Returns external data by key. Use [!:AddOrderExternalData] to add the data in order.
(Defined by OperationArgumentExtensions.) |