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Resto.Front.Api.Exceptions Namespace

Public classAgentOperationFailedException
The exception that is thrown when an agent operation execution fails.
Public classAuthenticationException
The exception that is thrown when plugin authentication fails.
Public classBeforeProceedOrderPaymentOperationException
Exception is thrown when execution failed in api function INotificationService.BeforeProceedOrderPayment.
Public classCafeSessionException
The exception that is thrown when cafe session opening or closing fails.
Public classCannotAddInactiveProductException
The exception that is thrown on attempt to use product which isn't included in menu.
Public classCannotCancelNotNewDeliveryException
The exception that is thrown on attempt to cancel delivery, which status is other than New, Confirmed, CookingStarted, CookingCompleted or Packed.
Public classCannotCreateEntityException
The exception that is thrown when entity creation fails. Most likely reason for this exception is network problem.
Public classCannotUseInactiveEntityException
The exception that is thrown when entity cannot be used in specific context because it is inactive.
Public classConstraintViolationException
The exception that is thrown when an operation violates business model constraints.
Public classDeviceException
The exception that is thrown when a specified device could not execute the command.
Public classDeviceNotStartedException
The exception that should be thrown when a specified device isn't started.
Public classDeviceRegistrationException
The exception that is thrown when a specified external device was not registered.
Public classDuplicatedIdException
The exception that is thrown on attempt to add entity with Id that already exist.
Public classEgaisDataException
The exception is thrown when entered data is not found in egais mark info.
Public classEntityAlreadyInUseException
The exception that is thrown on attempt to change entity that is already being edited by someone.
Public classEntityModifiedException
The exception that is thrown when versioned entity was modified by someone between reading an entity and applying changes to it. In general case parallel changes cannot be merged automatically, so optimistic locking prevents overwriting someones changes or getting inconsistent entity state.
Public classEntityNotFoundException
The exception that is thrown on attempt to use entity that doesn't exist.
Public classEntityStubUsingException
Entity stub usage outruns its creation or entity stub from one edit session is used in another edit session.
Public classEntityUsingException
The exception that is thrown when entity cannot be used in specific context.
Public classExternalOperationCallingException
The exception that is thrown when an external operation calling or execution fails.
Public classExternalOperationFailedException
The exception that is thrown when external operation execution fails. Most likely reason for this exception is network problem.
Public classFrontApiException
Represents a common base error in either the service or client side of Api.
Public classInsufficientLicenseException
The exception that is thrown when license slot cannot be acquired.
Public classLicenseRestrictionException
The exception that is thrown on calling unlicensed operation.
Public classOrderWithoutTypeException
The exception that is thrown when the operation results in an order which has no mandatory order type.
Public classPaymentActionCancelledException
Exception to notify that payment action was cancelled.
Public classPaymentActionFailedException
Exception to notify that payment, cancel payment or return payment actions was not successful.
Public classPaymentSystemRegistrationException
The exception that is thrown when a specified payment system was not registered.
Public classPaymentTypeConfigurationException
The exception that is thrown when a specified payment type is not well configured.
Public classPermissionDeniedException
The exception that is thrown on trying to execute operation without having required permissions.
Public classPluginSettingsException
The exception that is thrown when plugin settings operation fails.
Public classPreliminaryOrderEditTemporaryUnavailableException
The exception that is thrown when a preliminary order edit temporarily cannot be executed due to networking issues.
Public classReportBuildException
The exception that is thrown when a specified report could not be built.
Public classServerConnectionException
The exception that is thrown when message wasn't sent due to connection troubles.
Public classUnexpectedInternalException
The exception that is sent into OnError(Exception) handler of the notification stream from Notifications when the underlying event source throws unexpected exception.
Public classUserPersonalSessionNotOpenedException
Public classUserSessionInvalidException
The exception that is thrown on trying to use credentials that doesn't correspond to valid user session. Session may become outdated if user is deactivated or his pin is changed since session start.