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Resto.Front.Api.Data.Device.Results Namespace

Public classAutosearchDeviceSettingsResult
The result of the settings autosearch.
Public classCashRegisterResult
Cash register result.
Public classCashRegisterStatus
Cash register status.
Public classCashRegisterVatData
Cash register VAT data.
Public classCheckFfd12MarkingResult
Marking code check results. For detailed tag explanation, see Ffd 1.2.
Public classConfigureDeviceSettingsResult
The result of the device settings configuring.
Public classDeviceInfo
Device status information.
Public classDirectIoResult
The result of the operation.
Public classErrorResult
The successful result of the executed command.
Public classFiscalRegisterTaxItem
Fiscal register tax item
Public classFiscalTagsResult
Result object containing the information retrieved from FN with GetDocumentFiscalTags(ICashRegisterInfo, GetFiscalTagsTask, ICredentials) command
Public classOkResult
The successful result of the executed command.
Public classPostResult
Device post result.
Public classQueryInfoResult
Class that contains list of additional supported commands.
Public classScaleWeightResult
Scale weight result.