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IOrderServiceItem Interface

Order item representing time pay service.

Namespace:  Resto.Front.Api.Data.Orders
Assembly:  Resto.Front.Api.V8 (in Resto.Front.Api.V8.dll)
public interface IOrderServiceItem : IOrderRootItem, 
	ISerializable, IEntity, IOrderRootItemStub, IOrderServiceItemStub

The IOrderServiceItem type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCost
Total cost of the service item, sum of costs of the Periods plus RemainingLimitCost.
Public propertyDeleted (Inherited from IOrderRootItem.)
Public propertyDeletionMethod (Inherited from IOrderRootItem.)
Public propertyGuest (Inherited from IOrderRootItem.)
Public propertyId (Inherited from IEntity.)
Public propertyIsStarted
Whether the service is running now.
Public propertyKitchen
Product cooking place.
Public propertyPeriods
Service periods, each period represents some rate. For example, if the schedule has different rates for times before and after 10 o'clock, the service was started at 09:30 and now is 11:00, there will be one period with 30 mins length and another period with 60 mins length, both periods may have different prices and therefore different costs.
Public propertyPrice
Default price of the service. Some periods may have own prices, see Price. All prices are per timing step (TimingStep).
Public propertyPrintTime (Inherited from IOrderRootItem.)
Public propertyRateSchedule
Schedule of the service rates.
Public propertyRemainingLimitCost
Predicted cost of the remaining time limit. Zero, if the TimeLimit is not set. If the time limit is set, but it's less than total time of the Periods, remaining time limit is zero and therefore it's cost is also zero. For example, if timing step is one minute, the time limit was set to 1 hour and 20 minutes already passed, there will be one or more periods with total time of 20 minutes and their respective costs, then the cost of remaining 40 minutes will be predicted using schedule. This cost will go down with the lapse of time, because while time of some period increases, the remaining time limit decreases. After 15 minutes total periods time will be 35 mins (20+15) and RemainingLimitCost will represent cost of the remaining 25 mins.
Public propertyResultSum
Total sum to be paid, sum with discounts and both included and excluded vat.
Public propertyService
The service menu item. Expected to be of type Service.
Public propertyServiceCustomName
Optional marker used to specify custom name of the service item.
Public propertyStatus
Gets the status of the current order item.
(Inherited from IOrderRootItem.)
Public propertyTaxPercent
Tax percent or null for not taxed order items.
Public propertyTimeLimit
Total amount of time after which the service will be stopped or null for default limit (12 hours). Includes all periods.
Public propertyWaiter
Waiter who made latest changes to the order item.
(Inherited from IOrderRootItem.)
Public methodGetObjectData
Populates a SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object.
(Inherited from ISerializable.)
See Also