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IKitchenOrderCookingItem Interface

Order cooking item equivalent for kitchen.

Namespace:  Resto.Front.Api.Data.Kitchen
Assembly:  Resto.Front.Api.V8 (in Resto.Front.Api.V8.dll)
public interface IKitchenOrderCookingItem : ISerializable, 

The IKitchenOrderCookingItem type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBaseOrderItemId
Id of the cooking item (IOrderCookingItem) from the base order (IOrder) this item was created from.
Public propertyComment
Optional text comment, can be used as a message from waiter to cook.
Public propertyCookingTime
Standard cooking time defined by settings if cooking is started, otherwise null.
Public propertyCourse
Gets course of this kitchen order item.
Public propertyDeleted
Whether printed item has been deleted from source order.
Public propertyEstimatedCookingBeginTime
Moment when item cooking should be started. This property is null until cooking should be started.
Public propertyId (Inherited from IEntity.)
Public propertyIsCookingStarted
Whether cooking of the item started. Depending on kitchen settings and waiter intentions item cooking can start immediately after printing or with some delay. Item with short cooking time may wait for long-time cooking item from the same serve group (to be served together), item of second or above course may wait for corresponding serve cheque printing. This property is perfect, expected state, do not mess up with processing status, which means actual status (cook can begin processing before or after the appointed time).
Public propertyKitchen
Item cooking place.
Public propertyPrintTime
Source order item print time.
Public propertyProcessing1BeginTime
Moment when item last time switched to the Processing1 or greater status.
Public propertyProcessing2BeginTime
Moment when item last time switched to the Processing2 or greater status.
Public propertyProcessing3BeginTime
Moment when item last time switched to the Processing3 or greater status.
Public propertyProcessing4BeginTime
Moment when item last time switched to the Processing4 or greater status.
Public propertyProcessingCompleteTime
Moment when item last time switched to the Processed or greater status.
Public propertyProcessingStatus
Gets current position in a item processing lifecycle.
Public propertyServeGroupNumber
Identifies order item products group to be served together. Cooking of items from the same order with the same serve group number should be completed at the same time, so that waiter will serve them together.
Public propertyServeTime
Moment when item last time switched to the Served status.
Public propertySize
Gets size of the order item if it's product or template has scale, otherwise null.
Public methodGetObjectData
Populates a SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object.
(Inherited from ISerializable.)
See Also