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IKitchenOrder Interface

Order equivalent for kitchen. Kitchen orders created automatically from IOrder and have independent lifetime.

Namespace:  Resto.Front.Api.Data.Kitchen
Assembly:  Resto.Front.Api.V8 (in Resto.Front.Api.V8.dll)
public interface IKitchenOrder : ISerializable, 
	IEntity, IVersionedEntity

The IKitchenOrder type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBaseOrderId
Id of the base order (IOrder) this kitchen order was created from.
Public propertyCookingPriority
Specifies a custom cooking priority. While the application provides built-in prioritization logic for orders based on timing, dish courses, etc., you can override it and enforce custom cooking order based on your external logic. Ideally, all dishes should be cooked timely, but in case of concurrency when kitchen is high-loaded, you have to decide which orders are more important and should be cooked in the first place and which orders are allowed to be delayed. Higher priority values mean that the order, its serve groups and dishes will appear at the kitchen display earlier. Default value is zero. Both positive and negative values are allowed for raising and lowering the priority correspondingly. Orders with the same cooking priority will be sorted using default built-in logic.
Public propertyExternalNumber
Optional order number in the external system. This can be used to match the external order to the iiko one. This property contains either null or number of the source order was received from. Specifying origin order number allows to analyse efficiency of external order sources such as different web-sites, mobile applications and so on.
Public propertyGroupKitchenOrderId
Kitchen group order id, if current order is an additional order.
Public propertyId (Inherited from IEntity.)
Public propertyIsExternal
Has this order been created via API
Public propertyIsTopCookingPriority
The flag specifies that this order should be cooked out-of-order at kitchen. All orders which have this flag set on will appear above other orders at the kitchen display. Both groups (top priority and non-top priority) will be sorted separately using usual sorting logic (custom cooking priority, then default built-in criterions. Default value is false.
Public propertyItems
Source order item products equivalent for kitchen. Only printed order item products are taken into account for kitchen.
Public propertyNumber
Number of the source order.
Public propertyOrderType
Public propertyOriginName
Optional marker used to specify order origin. This property contains either null or name of the source order was received from. Specifying origin allows to analyse efficiency of external order sources such as different web-sites, mobile applications and so on.
Public propertyRevision
Incremental version of the entity.
(Inherited from IVersionedEntity.)
Public propertyTable
Table of the source order.
Public propertyTabName
Optional marker used to specify that the order is a tab. This property contains name of the tab if the order is marked as tab, otherwise null.
Public propertyWaiter
Person who serves the source order.
Public methodGetObjectData
Populates a SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object.
(Inherited from ISerializable.)
Extension Methods
See Also