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ITemplatedModifierParams Interface

Product-specific settings of the compound item template modifier. ICompoundItemTemplate describes general modifier settings for all products of that template, different products may specify different default amount and free of charge amount for each group modifier, child modifier or simple modifier. If ProductGroup is null, this instance is about simple modifier, otherwise this instance describes params for group modifier, then Product says whether it's about group itself or about child of that group.

Namespace:  Resto.Front.Api.Data.Assortment
Assembly:  Resto.Front.Api.V8 (in Resto.Front.Api.V8.dll)
public interface ITemplatedModifierParams : ISerializable

The ITemplatedModifierParams type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDefaultAmount
Default amount of the modifier for this object's owner product within compound item template. If the compound item is splitted, default amount of the common modifier is determined by the primary component's product.
Public propertyFreeOfChargeAmount
Maximum amount that will be free, additional amount will be paid.
Public propertyMaximumAmount
Public propertyMinimumAmount
Public propertyProduct
Product of the modifier, depending on ProductGroup it is a simple or a child modifier.
Public propertyProductGroup
Group of the child modifier or null for simple modifier.
Public methodGetObjectData
Populates a SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object.
(Inherited from ISerializable.)
See Also