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Resto.Front.Api.Devices.ChequeTaskProcessor Namespace

Public interfaceIChequeTaskProcessor
Common interface for extending the functionality of fiscal operations. Derive from MarshalByRefObject and implement this interface to make custom cheque task processor. Your implementation should be registered by RegisterChequeTaskProcessor(IChequeTaskProcessor).
Public interfaceIEditableChequeTaskProcessor
Common interface for extending the functionality of fiscal operations. Derive from MarshalByRefObject and implement this interface to make custom cheque task processor. Your implementation should be registered by RegisterChequeTaskProcessor(IChequeTaskProcessor).
Public interfaceIReadonlyChequeTaskProcessor
Common interface for extending the functionality of fiscal operations. Derive from MarshalByRefObject and implement this interface to make custom cheque task processor. Your implementation should be registered by RegisterChequeTaskProcessor(IChequeTaskProcessor).